martes, 7 de diciembre de 2010

Living out of the wed lock.

In Costa Rica this subject is very controversial, even the society now is getting more open about it; lawyers, the society and, the church has an significant role around it. Although there are reasons to be good for couples, we believe our society still see this as a controversial issue.

According with the legal system in Costa Rica people can get legal rights as a married person after living together 3 years, for example to applied for a bank credit, some banks ask for a lawyer certification of have been living in free union, when people decided to move forward in their lives they are secure about that big step. When people don’t live together before get married they can have a risk on the relationship of being split and later have a problem, as well this can happen to people living out of the wed lock but at least they will know bether each other.

Also for the society is something controversial because all the disadvantages and prejudices people think, many are not agree because they think that are not compromise into the relationship, but that is not truth, people that live not married also have a lot of compromise and also it is a serious relationship, it is good to know the person first and know if the relation can work, no matter what people say.

From the religious point of view the Catholic Church only approves the marriage carried out by the church, any other type of union, already be free or civil it is not approved. On the same way the Catholic Church does not approve the premarital sex, the use of contraceptive methods and, the formation of a family out of wedlock. Nevertheless at present that a couple live united and without being married it has turned into something daily, though for the church this means that these pairs live in sin, something about what the society has stopped thinking.

As a conclusion, living out of the wed lock has consequences, for some negatives and for other positives; it depends on culture, customs, beliefs, values, among others. Life in society is complex and involves many aspects, from the theme developed could see the legal, religious and, social, but more important is that couples choose the option that is comfortable for them.

1 comentario:

  1. This is a complicated topic that is dividing our society, what is really important is not to forget to deal with the question if we all are really happy living like we're living nowadays. If we are satisfied, married or not, just try to don't bother others and let them live their live. Even if free union is not a legal status, it's a way to live that is too used by people, so we must respect them.
